People make life doable

God Has Given Us People

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People make life doableSaturday I traveled four hours by myself for a Her View from Home writer’s get together—a get together of almost 50 women almost all of whom had never met in real life before.

I came up with a hundred excuses why I shouldn’t go.

  • June was just so busy.
  • My newly turned two-year-old had never spent a night away from me. Would he be ok?
  • I hadn’t submitted a piece since November.
  • Since morning sickness set in, I haven’t written much of anything. Can I even call myself a writer if I am not writing frequently?
  • So many others have huge followings, have written or are writing books, have been nominated for awards, have actual sponsors pay them to write, have done this writing thing for years. I am just a newbie with a tiny following. 

Friday night the pictures and videos started pouring onto the group Facebook page. A pit formed in my stomach as I thought of going to a house of women who had already met each other. Women who were successful. Women who had it all together when I was a legit crying at the kitchen table mess.

But after a pep talk from my husband, I packed, finished making my Frito Corn Salad to take along, and set my alarm for way too early.

When the alarm rang, I got myself ready, kissed my sleeping children goodbye, and set off down the road just after the sun had crested the hills. As I drove, I prayed. I prayed for safe travels and safety for my family at home. I prayed for a time of refreshment, enjoyment, and growth. I prayed for Lauren as she hosted, and the other women I “knew” from our online group.

As I prayed, my nerves calmed. I was reminded of all of the other women who had posted about their own fears surrounding the weekend. It dawned on me that many of them were in the same insecurity boat I was. With that realization, the miles nearly flew under my tires and soon I was approaching my destination.

I hadn’t even made it up the driveway before being welcomed with open arms. And that’s where it all began. We laughed. We cried. We lounged on the beach. We danced in the kitchen. We shared funny facts and deepest fears.

For roughly 24 hours, I was welcomed, embraced, and affirmed for who I was. I, in turn, encouraged, listened, and hugged others. No one criticized me for what I had failed to do. In fact, these ladies gave me far more grace than I ever give myself. But they didn’t just give grace, they called out greatness in me. It was just what my heart needed.

I was reminded again of what I find to be missing in our society. We have been taught for so long to be strong, to do everything on our own, to not accept help. And yes, there is value in working hard at what we have been called to do. Yes, we are called to be diligent.


We are not called to do it alone.

God has given us people.

Our Husbands (Genesis 2:7-24)

When God had created man, and Adam found no suitable helper for himself, God fashioned Eve to come alongside him as they subdued the earth. They were the first human team working toward a common goal. Are you working toward a common goal with your husband?

Older More Mature Women (Titus 2:3-5)

God commands women who are farther along on their life journey to come alongside those just starting out in order to teach the younger women what they need to know. Do you have an older woman mentoring you? Are you passing along what you have learned to women who aren’t as far along the journey as you are?

The Church (Hebrews 10:24-25)

We are told to continue to meet together with other believers, and when we meet, we are to encourage each other. We are to spur one another on so that we continue to love others and do good in the world. Are you in the habit of meeting with other believers? When you are with them, do you seek ways to encourage them?

Friends (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12)

Friends are a special gift from God. They help you work in the ministry God has called you to whether through actual physical help or through encouragement. They come alongside in times of need and help you get your feet back under you when life has knocked you down. Do you have a friend you can lean on? If yes, how can you encourage her today? If no, start praying for a special friend, and start looking for whom God might have you befriend.

God has given us people to help us and calls each of us to help others. We are to be one body of believers on a mission to bring the Gospel to the world. Sometimes that is through outreach events, but more often that is through the day to day living in community—calling out greatness, hearing fears, reassuring with Scripture, and loving as God loves us.

Take a look around today. How can you help the people God has given you? Who can you turn to when you need a bit of help? 

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