Mom (With a Capital “M”)

Sharing is caring!

Through your children’s eyes, you are Mom.

Not “just a mom.”

That’s because Mom (with a capital “m”) means the world to them.

Mom means comforter when fears creep in during the dark of night or when feelings are crushed by a friend. You are the one with arms open to hold them as they tremble. Yours is the embrace they seek when the tears fall.

Mom means healer. You are the one to wash scrapes and bandage wounds. You are the one to hold back hair while the puke flies and make a cup of tea when the throat is sore. You keep doctors’ appointments and dispense medicine. Yours is the name they call when sick or wounded.

Mom means encourager as you help them become all they can be. You cheer from the sidelines and listen to instruments practiced over and over. You inspire confidence with your belief in their abilities. You give hugs when needed and sometimes a little prod to keep going. Yours is the voice they hear cheering them on toward their goals.

Mom means maker of traditions. From birthday cakes and homemade ice cream to sparklers on the Fourth of July and donuts on the first day of school. You are the one who brings rhythm to the family through the traditions you implement then work so hard to keep up. Yours is the touch they look forward to on special days.

Mom means teacher. From day one of their lives, you are their teacher modeling for them how to live in this big world. You teach manners and chores. You teach the ABCs and the 123s. You teach what it means to be a friend and how to live a life above reproach. Yours is the example they follow as they grow toward maturity.

Mom means counselor as you lend a listening ear. You listen as they talk out their problems and empathize with their feelings. You pray with them and for them. You point them in the way of truth. Yours is the advice they need as they navigate the challenges of life.

Mom means fun as you pull out board games on a snowy afternoon or join in the pillow fight. You give of your own free time to make meaningful memories with them. You celebrate big when they accomplish great feats and provide a distraction when they are down. Yours is the laugh they listen for beckoning them to have a good time.

Mom means forever. No matter what, you are always there for them. You love them with a self-sacrificing, never-ending love. Yours is the face they seek when they need anything at all because they know their mom will always love them just as they are.

You see, to your children you are never just a mom.

Through your children’s eyes, you are Mom (with a capital “m”) and everything that word encompasses.

Sharing is caring!

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